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Year 2012 「Greenlivng and BuyGreen Promotion Plan」

The project began on February 1st, 2013, providing services to government agencies, private enterprises and organizations, manufacturers, sellers, customer service staff on 0800 free phone number, the general public, the EPA as regulator, and its commissioned projects. This year the project was mainly focused on the maintenance, management, and updating of the GreenLiving Information Platform (including the Green Mark E-Application System, the Government Green Procurement Online Reporting System, and the BuyGreen website), and on guidance provision for users of the Platform. The project was also aimed at ensuring the operation of the BuyGreen website (not involving cash flow and logistics). Promotional efforts were directed at Internet marketing instead of brick-and-mortar marketing. At least 58 functions were added and enhanced for the purposes of system establishment or revamp, such as the Green Mark E-Application System, the Government Green Procurement Online Reporting System, an organizer system, the Government Green Procurement Evaluation System, the Private Enterprise and Organization Green Procurement Reporting System, a digital learning system, the Seed Staff Dispatch System, a website for children, an English website, and the Green Mark products e-catalogue. Integrity of the whole system provides a complete conceptual tool to market green living and procurement among the public. The instant message sharing by new webpage would increase browsing activities among viewers. For promotion and publicity, 35 news were translated and published in Mandarin Chinese and English accordingly. 12 video/audio messages were released and 20 e-papers were sent so far. Through diverse marketing tools, the message on green living and procurement could reach out to more people. Also, 24 briefing sessions were held, including 6 education and training workshops were organized for customer service staff on 0800 free phone number and 5 events to promote green living. By utilizing diverse marketing ways, the GreenLiving’s fan-page on Facebook gained tremendous growth and hit 2,515 fans. Overall, the green living websites and systems act as a important platform to promote and urge green living and procurement among the Taiwanese society.
Green Mark;Government Green Procurement;Green Procurement